Dewey Caron's "Africanized Honey Bees" was written in 2001. Although written twelve years ago, it is still the best and most comprehensive work on the subject of Africanized honey bees -- and a fine narrative of the Africanization process in general.
Caron was ahead of his time. His analysis along with most of the conclusions he reached accurately reflect what has happened. Caron's predictions of the Africanization process as it has continued have proven largely correct.
A basic construct in Caron's analysis is that the Africanized honey bee is not simply a "hybrid" of European stock combined in some measure with Africanized stock. Indeed, what happens is that Africanized lines come to dominate and overwhelm European colonies when they come into contact with one-another. It matters not whether the European stock is Italian, Russian, Carniolan or Caucasian. There are distinct behavioral aspects to the mating process in which Africanized drones are preferred by European queens. Africanized drones have selective behavioral advantages in terms of the mating process over European drones.
Other behaviorally-related aspects of Africanized honey bees include more frequent swarming, much more defensiveness, smaller colony size, less fussiness (selectivity) in terms of colony location.