Acronym clarification:
TVBA: Trinity Valley Beekeepers Organization- TVBA is a Dallas Based Beekeepers Association serving the North Texas Area.
Texas Beekeepers Association publishes a bi-monthly Journal with current information about Beekeeping, Association events, Honey Queen activities and much more. TBA's Publications Director, Michelle Boerst, is always looking for appropriate Journal content – research or experiences with bees, beekeeping tips, new equipment or any bee related information. Please email her if you have ideas, suggestions or copy.
Members of Trinity Valley Beekeepers Organization can only view the most current issue via using the "members only" link E-Mailed to them after submitting the form below because they will not have login credentials on TBA's website to view it unless they are TBA members in their own right.
Members of the Texas Beekeepers Association wishing to view the most current issue are encouraged to do so at TBA's website using their own login credentials. More archived issues not present on are available on the Texas Beekeepers Association website without membership to either organization. Many of those issues are included on the "members only" current issue access page for your convenience, but not every issue.
Once the form is processed, you will receive a link to the most current issue of the TBA Journal located on TVBA's website Please save the link or bookmark it. It is prohibited to share the current issue link or the webpage with individuals who are not current members of Trinity Valley Beekeepers Association.