Our Natural, Treatment-Free Beekeeping Workshop: Organic Practices for Honey Bee Health, was a SUCCESS!  

This workshop provided attendees with the essential knowledge and strategies to create a sustainable, resilient, and thriving bee yard, all while eliminating the need for treatments and keeping operating costs to a minimum. 

Les and Nathalie brought top-bar kits for purchase at cost so you could build your own top-bar alongside the pros.
The presentation topics were:
Natural Beekeeping Principles (LES)
Through a deeper understanding of the nature of bees, we’ll provide mindful guidance on enhancing bee health, producing cleaner comb and honey, and achieving success without the use of harmful chemicals or organic poisons.
Sustainable Integrated Pest Management Strategies (NATHALIE)
You'll learn how to harness honey bee biology and use proven Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques to naturally mitigate pest pressure and keep your bees thriving in their presence.
Leveraging the Varroa Mite Life Cycle (LES)
We will discuss the biology of the mite and show how we can leverage that knowledge to mitigate its impact on the colony.
Horizontal Top-Bar Beekeeping: An Intro Guide (NATHALIE)
We'll explore the benefits of horizontal top-bar beekeeping for small-scale and backyard yards as a management style that's arguably Better for the Bees and the Beekeeper's Back and Budget (BBBBBB).
Top-Bar Hive Making Demo and Hands On Practice (LES and NATHALIE)
This is the maker part of the workshop: learn how to use literally a handful of boards to cut and assemble horizontal top-bar hives and flex hives (Langstroth to TBH adapters) in less than 2hrs with the free easy DIY plans. You will have the option to purchase a precut, Amish handcrafted hive kit to take home with you along with the knowledge to make more on your own.
For those interested in touring the apiary and digging into hives, we took time out of the top-bar construction portion of the workshop and went and played with bees.