Texas Beekeepers Association Digital Journal

Digital Copies of Available only to Trinity Valley Beekeepers Association members via our website.

If you are a member of Texas Beekeepers Association, you can access the journals via their website as well.

Submit an "order" here, then "checkout."  You will get a confirmation email stating we received your "order." 

A follow-up email will be sent within 24-48 hours once we verify your membership status (we can only check membership with our organization, TVBA). If you are a member with Texas Association of Beekeepers, please go to their website and log on.

The follow up email will reference a link to our TVBA website where we have the TBA bi-monthly journals viewable and/or downloadable as PDF files.

Bookmark the link in your browser for future access, (or simply write it down) as the webpage on our site will not change.  It is prohibited to share this link with individuals who are not current members of TBA or TVBA.

TBA Digital Journal Access